Since the last post I have, I am pleased to say, worked part time for 9 months of 2010. This in itself, is a big feat and deserves some praise indeed. Having not worked (much) the previous 2 years it was 'game on' for 2010. So as duty called I was bound to respond. Much thanks goes to my work host GK, without whom my working life would not have been as successful. (PS I think the feeling was mutual from GK just quietly).
Megs completed her fourth and final RIAA conference and has taken on the Rosi lifestyle of actually not working. Thinks its pretty good and can't understand why she didn't think of it sooner. Ha, whose the clever one in this family. Megs is however responding to a higher calling and her new vocation of mediation (that's mediation not meditation) ie conflict resolution, will, I am no doubt, prove successful overtime (the underlying thought behind this positive comment is less work for Rosi in the future).
We are proud parents (again) of 20 calves, the last one dropping just 7 days ago, much to our surprise. Mum was obviously 'last drinks' for the bull before he was wiped away to his next manly duties. Our gain here of course. We had twins, but one did not make it with Megs very hands on pulling out the dead calf. It was a comedy for the next week as we endeavoured to make Mum and the other live calf bond. I know we are good fodder for the locals when it comes to farming. All good now and little Barry has bonded with Big Momma. Don't ask but the names do have a meaning. How about a prize for guessing why.
Highlights included Megs getting her motor bike licence, me feeling better about riding the tractor, purchase of smaller chainsaw called viki, buying surboards and I am sure there are many more.
Lowlight was the loss of Sidd in January 2010, whom we miss dearly. I don't think anyone can replace the man about town.
Megs and I have had a busy year, what with work in Sydney, driving, family reunion in Samoa, easter break with the gang, driving, trip to Melbourne, Christmas, driving and generally trying to catch up with family and friends in between road trips. So, perhaps it will be easier to visually show you our year, which includes homestead and paddock highlights (ie the money pit).
Megs new orchard.
Viny helping himself to a rabbit. Guess who had to deal with it in the end, he and Adi are good at catching them, but that's about it.
for marshmellows.
We had 92 mil in 40 minutes. A few things got washed away, like our electric fence. You had to see it to believe it.
BOVINE UPDATES - Our own Vet Megs. If you see her with a long rubber glove, run!
Barry bonding with Big Momma.
Megs takes on Barry and guess who won!
Friends and Relatives
Paddy Fitz, Will & Oddy getting ready to take on Gran in a game of hide and seek. Gran comes out triumphant and smurfs them all!
Stu and Jack at Sidd's billabong. Both looking pretty groovy.